Monday, October 3, 2011


by Shirley Bircher

Architect Linda Roy revised a  1898 Italianate masonry building that was once unimpressive and hardly noticed into a building for a showroom that had 'floor trancending curviliear elements' that guided ones eye/body through several exhibitions.  I think this shows that our floor plan for our current project should be organized in a way that leads people through our exhibit in an orderly fashion and one that highlights what we think is the most important part of our exhibition.

I think this exhibit is successful in the way it drowns out the background and the rest of the building in a grey tint, while making sure the rest of the furniture pops through the use of color and through the use of juxtaposing shapes.

I think this exhibit is also successful in the way the building accompanies the furniture by possessing a modern style, similar to the chairs.  For our project this precedent tells us a lot about the surrounding lobby space and the organization of the entire project.

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